Thursday 1 November 2018

Bagging My 20th Munro - Schiehallion

Feeling on Top of the World

Munro, Scotland, Perth, Kinross, Magical Mauve, munro bagging, Scottish Mountains, schiehallion, schiehallion meaning, schiehallion mountain, schiehallion ascent, is schiehallion easy to climb, schiehallion fairy mountain, schiehallion hike, schiehallion history, schiehallion in feet, schiehallion loch rannoch, schiehallion munro car park, schiehallion mountain forecast, munros near schiehallion, walks near schiehallion, schiehallion os map, schiehallion walk, schiehallion walk distance, schiehallion pitlochry ph16 5qf

Munros in Scotland

There are 282 Munro’s in Scotland and I was lucky to have bagged my 20th in September this year.  

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Path on the way up to Schiehallion

A Munro is a Scottish mountain which is 3,000ft/914 metres or above in height.


Schiehallion is in Perthshire and stands at 3,547 ft (1,083 m) and is one of the most climbed hills in Scotland.  Its name derives from the Gaelic Sith Chaillean, which means ‘Fairy Hill of the Caledonians’.

My Return to Hill Walking

I had been trying to get back into hill walking for the last few years but had been doing a lot of running therefore hill walking had taken a bit of a back bencher unless it was walking up my local Kilpatrick Hills.  I was determined that this year I was going to bag my 20th Munro.  

The Mountains Call You

As a walker I feel that the hills call me. If I haven’t been on them for a while I  really miss them.  They have a magic about them whilst also a danger element. Maybe it's the sheer size of them that makes you feel small.  The clarity I get when on the hills makes me want more.  

I chose Schiehallion as a few walkers I know have said it is one of the easier ones and I thought best to ease myself back in gently.  It's also steeped in folklore with some saying it has an otherworldly feel to it. 
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Stunning View from Schiehallion

My friend Deborah and I set off early on the Saturday morning as it takes two hours for us to get to Perth.  The journey up in the car was jovial but we were both slightly nervous.  This was Deborah’s second munro and although it was going to be my 20th I normally go out with experienced walkers and had never taken anyone up a munro on my own.  I had looked on the Walk Highlands website beforehand and knew this particular munro was well pathed and you couldn’t really get lost.

It was a beautiful, glorious sunny day but we were prepared for changes in the unpredictable Scottish weather.  Our bags were packed with enough food to feed an army, extra layers of clothing and most importantly water to keep us hydrated.

As we arrive at Braes of Foss car park we catch our first glimpse of the mountain we are going to conquer. 

Deborah and I have agreed we are just going to take our time today.  We are in no rush and really want to enjoy the experience.  We set off with excitement and anticipation although slightly nervous.

It’s A Challenge

Munros are definitely challenging but that’s what makes me want to do them.  It’s the whole idea of ticking something off my list, pushing my body out of its comfort zone, getting the adrenaline going and that sense of achievement when you reach the summit.


At the start of the path is a sign welcoming you to East Schiehallion. It describes the various wildlife you may encounter such as golden eagles, merlin, stonechat, red or roe deer, mountain hares or otters unfortunately on this occasion we never got to see any of these.
schiehallion, schiehallion meaning, schiehallion mountain, schiehallion ascent, is schiehallion easy to climb, schiehallion fairy mountain, schiehallion hike, schiehallion history, schiehallion in feet, schiehallion loch rannoch, schiehallion munro car park, schiehallion mountain forecast, munros near schiehallion, walks near schiehallion, schiehallion os map, schiehallion walk, schiehallion walk distance, schiehallion pitlochry ph16 5qf
Welcome to East Schiehallion

John Muir Trust

East Schiehallion was acquired by The John Muir Trust in 1999 who along with volunteers and locals have repaired the path which had previously been eroded due to the sheer volume of walkers conquering this great mountain.  It sees approximately 20,000 visitors per year.

The Journey up the Mountain

The path is straight forward and we find our walking rhythm.  Sometimes we would walk together and other times we would be a good few metres apart both enjoying either the company or the solitude, both thinking our own thoughts and breathing in the fresh Scottish air. 

The mountain isn’t overly busy today to my surprise and if I’m honest I'm pleased.  I don’t like it when the mountains are overly busy.

                                           Loch Tummel

scottish mountains, munros, munro bagging, perthshire
Loch Tummel in the Distance

As we ascend we start to see Loch Tummel in the distance. Today we get stunning views with a crystal-clear blue sky and dashes of white cloud.  It’s warm enough to have one layer on.  The path is straightforward.

Boulders Galore
schiehallion, schiehallion meaning, schiehallion mountain, schiehallion ascent, is schiehallion easy to climb, schiehallion fairy mountain, schiehallion hike, schiehallion history, schiehallion in feet, schiehallion loch rannoch, schiehallion munro car park, schiehallion mountain forecast, munros near schiehallion, walks near schiehallion, schiehallion os map, schiehallion walk, schiehallion walk distance, schiehallion pitlochry ph16 5qf

Nothing had quite prepared me for how many boulders you have to manoeuvre in, out and over; they seem to go on for miles and miles.  You really have to concentrate not to lose your footing and its quite taxing on your feet due to the terrain being tougher here.  There are a few false cairns but eventually we get to the top.


The Views

scottish mountains, munros, munro bagger, scottish hills, folklore, schiehallion, schiehallion meaning, schiehallion mountain, schiehallion ascent, is schiehallion easy to climb, schiehallion fairy mountain, schiehallion hike, schiehallion history, schiehallion in feet, schiehallion loch rannoch, schiehallion munro car park, schiehallion mountain forecast, munros near schiehallion, walks near schiehallion, schiehallion os map, schiehallion walk, schiehallion walk distance, schiehallion pitlochry ph16 5qf
A False Summit

The views are exquisite.  You can see Rannoch Moor (which I write about in my other blog as it’s part of the West Highland Way, see bottom of page for link) and the peaks of Glen Coe.  It’s much cooler at the summit and after 5 minutes we have to put more layers on.  

Getting to the Top


munro, munro bagging, Scottish mountains, Scottish hills, girls who exercise, boulders, summit, peak challenge, schiehallion, schiehallion meaning, schiehallion mountain, schiehallion ascent, is schiehallion easy to climb, schiehallion fairy mountain, schiehallion hike, schiehallion history, schiehallion in feet, schiehallion loch rannoch, schiehallion munro car park, schiehallion mountain forecast, munros near schiehallion, walks near schiehallion, schiehallion os map, schiehallion walk, schiehallion walk distance, schiehallion pitlochry ph16 5qf
Deborah & I at the summit

Our faces say it all.  We are delighted that we’ve made it to the top, we've both reached our goal and essentially proved to ourselves that we can achieve anything we set our minds to.  We revel in the beauty of the scenery before our eyes.

When I’m at the top I feel slightly nervous.  Not sure if I mentioned I’m scared of heights – you would never think it but I like my feet firmly on the ground and when I look over edges I get a bit wobbly.  However, never one to shy away from the camera and a photo opportunity we pose for some more pictures and decide to settle down and have some lunch whilst enjoying the fine landscapes that are on offer.

Scottisg Mountains, munro bagging, munros, hilltops, boulders, folklore hills, schiehallion, schiehallion meaning, schiehallion mountain, schiehallion ascent, is schiehallion easy to climb, schiehallion fairy mountain, schiehallion hike, schiehallion history, schiehallion in feet, schiehallion loch rannoch, schiehallion munro car park, schiehallion mountain forecast, munros near schiehallion, walks near schiehallion, schiehallion os map, schiehallion walk, schiehallion walk distance, schiehallion pitlochry ph16 5qf
Me at the Summit
We take in the views for some time then make our descent back down the way we came.

We’ve had an awesome day, a great workout, and are both happy that we’ve both completed the challenge we set out to do.
Scottish mountains, munros, munro bagger, ladies who walk, hilltops,schiehallion, schiehallion meaning, schiehallion mountain, schiehallion ascent, is schiehallion easy to climb, schiehallion fairy mountain, schiehallion hike, schiehallion history, schiehallion in feet, schiehallion loch rannoch, schiehallion munro car park, schiehallion mountain forecast, munros near schiehallion, walks near schiehallion, schiehallion os map, schiehallion walk, schiehallion walk distance, schiehallion pitlochry ph16 5qf
Happiest When up a Mountain

Why I love Walking the Mountains

I get to take in the spectacular scenery and wilderness of Scotland, the mental & physical challenge, the sense of achievement both at the top and when you get back down to the bottom, the company, conversations and the total sense of freedom.

munro bagger, munros, Scottish munros, hill tops, mountains, Perthshire, schiehallion, schiehallion meaning, schiehallion mountain, schiehallion ascent, is schiehallion easy to climb, schiehallion fairy mountain, schiehallion hike, schiehallion history, schiehallion in feet, schiehallion loch rannoch, schiehallion munro car park, schiehallion mountain forecast, munros near schiehallion, walks near schiehallion, schiehallion os map, schiehallion walk, schiehallion walk distance, schiehallion pitlochry ph16 5qf
Can you tell I'm happy?

Sunday 21 October 2018

A Leisurely Local Walk Along the Canal with a Great Friend

clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures
Bowling Harbour Sculptures

A Leisurely Walk with a Great Friend

Exercising outdoors doesn’t always have to be about climbing a mountain, running a timed race or taking part in an event.  It’s often nice to go a leisurely walk with a good friend. That’s exactly what I did on a beautiful Sunday morning in Autumn.  

River Clyde, Autumn, Clyde Canal, Bowling Harbour, clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures
Leaf Strewn Path
My friend and I decided we would go on a local walk with our dogs but nothing too strenuous.  
River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures, Autumn, Walk, Canal, Bowling Harbour, Dog Walking
Chocco Enjoying His Walk

Canal Paths

The canal paths in Scotland are lovely especially in Autumn when you have all the leaf strewn paths dazzling you with an array of vibrant colours.  
Canals, Scotland, Autumn, Walk, Canal, Bowling Harbour, Dog Walking, Tom McKendrick, Bowling Harbour Walk
Beardmore Sculpture - Dalmuir

Beardmore Sculpture

Since I started blogging I’ve tried to be more mindful of my environment and surroundings and have really started to notice things that I hadn’t before.  For instance, we start our walk in Dalmuir near the Golden Jubilee Hospital and for the first time I come across the Beardmore Sculpture above, I’ve never noticed this before but my friend assures me it’s been there for years.  Isn’t it strange how we can pass things regularly but not see them?  

On further research I discover the sculpture has been made by a local artist Tom McKendrick and was erected in 2010 (how on earth have I not noticed this in eight years?) Tom apparently served his apprenticeship in John Brown Engineers which was a famous ship builder that used to be situated in Clydebank and synchronistically where I had my first proper job after leaving school.  

If you would like to read more about the meaning of the sculpture and its history please click the link below.

Bowling Harbour 

My friend and I decide todays walk will take us to Bowling Harbour and back which is 3 miles each way.  On our walk we are delighted when we see the most elegant white swans swimming in the canal.  

clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures
Swan in the Canal

We chat about everything and anything and are grateful that we have picked a fantastic day for our walk.  It’s a warm, bright and dry day which is always a bonus.

Gardens, Dog Walk, clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures, Bowling Harbour, Kilpatrick Hills, Canal, River Clyde
Colour Feature Garden at Bowling Harbour
As we approach Bowling Harbour the view consists of a variety of colourful boats with my beloved Kilpatrick hills in the distant background.  

Bowling Harbour, Kilpatrick Hills, Canals, Dog Walking, Bowling Harbour, Kilpatrick Hills, Canal, River Clyde
Boats at Bowling Harbour

Dug Cafe

Over the last few years there have been several companies open up at Bowling Harbour and the one we are most interested in is Dug Café, a café where you can take your dog whilst grabbing a cup of tea or coffee.  The lovely waitress spoils our dogs with some doggy treats.  It’s a great café and we fill ourselves up with toasties and carrot cake before going a wander further down the water.  

Bowling Harbour, Dogs, dog walking, canals, River Clyde, ERskine Bridge, Bowling Harbour, Kilpatrick Hills, Canal, River Clyde
Dug Cafe

The views are spectacular with clear blue skies and I can’t believe we are only a few miles away from home.  The harbour is colourful, scenic, spotless and well kept and you can see the Erskine Bridge in all it’s glory as well as the River Clyde.  The dogs are off their leads and having a great time.

Canal, Walks, River Clyde, Dug Cafe, Scottish Scenery, Bowling Harbour, Kilpatrick Hills, Canal, River Clyde, clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures
Bowling Harbour
River Clyde, Canals, Scottish scenery, clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures
Bowling Harbour

My friend and I comment on how much better we feel after walking three miles.  Nothing I enjoy more than some light exercise and some good chat with a fantastic friend. 

River Clyde, canal walk, Scottish scenery, clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures
Erskine Bridge

We make our way back via an off the path route which takes us closer to the water and ensures our dogs are even dirtier than before but they are happy as are we.

Canal Walk, Dog Walking, Kilpatrick Hills, Bowling Harbour, clyde canal,  clyde canal walk, the clyde canal, forth and clyde canal map, forth and clyde canal cycle route distances, forth and clyde canal bowling, beardmore sculpture, beardmore sculpture clydebank, Canal Walk, Bowling Harbour, River Clyde, Erskine Bridge, Sculptures
Happy Dogs

The Kiltwalk & How I got Into Walking

Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
Meeting Another New Friend on the Kiltwalk

I’m often asked “why do you like being outdoors so much”?  As I’m either running or walking up the local Kilpatrick hills or one of the glorious mountains in Scotland.

Well roughly about 8 years ago I found myself in the unfortunate position of being a newly divorced, single mother of one.  It obviously wasn’t mentally a nice place to be but I’m a very optimistic person and decided that I would use my free time to do something that would make me feel good.
Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,

I had always been curious about hill walking and one evening whilst at a friend’s house party I started talking to a lovely girl called Karen.  Through the course of the night she talked in great detail about how she had walked the Kiltwalk which is a 26 mile walk from Scotland’s national stadium (Hampden) to Balloch in Loch Lomond.  Several wines later (bottles might I add) and she had talked me into taking part in my very first Kiltwalk.  Months passed and I had forgot about agreeing to this then on the 1st January the following year Karen emailed me to say “do you still fancy taking part”? I booked up there and then as my mentality is if I book it I can’t back out of it. 

My First Kiltwalk

walking, Scotland, 26 miles, Hampden, Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
My very first Kiltwalk with my amazing friend Karen

Getting in Some Practice

Every opportunity I got I was out pounding the pavements trying to get my legs used to walking long distance.  First it was a mile then 2 miles then gradually the mileage started increasing.  I found whenever I was out walking it was so therapeutic because it was great adult company and conversation as well as releasing the feel good endorphins you get from exercising.

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Ardgartan near Arrochar 2011

I’ve always been a very busy person probably doing far too much but I found when out walking in the outdoors I felt free, no-one wanting a piece of me, nothing to think about but putting one foot in front of the other.  Several other people would join us on our walks and we would vent out anything that had annoyed us during the week and by the end of the walk we would always end up laughing.  

Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
Ardgartan near Arrochar

Various Walks in the Countryside

I joined some walking groups on Meetup and started going on some beautiful walks in the stunning Scottish countryside.  I walked forest paths which took in breath-taking scenery and more often than not would end up near water which always seemed to recharge me (my love for being outdoors had began).

Conic Hill, Kiltwalk, Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
Drymen to Balmaha Walk 14.9.13 (Conic Hill in the background)

Scottish scenery, scottish hills, west highland way, Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
What a View - Drymen to Balmaha 14.9.13

In April that year I completed my first ever Kiltwalk it took me well over 9 hours and I was a broken woman. I never anticipated just how long 26 miles was back then, I had blisters that were half the size of my foot.  I remember being in Dumbarton running out of energy and thinking I can’t do this.  You feel like you have a wee angel on one shoulder telling you can do it and on the other side a wee devil saying you can’t but the angel always wins and I never quit so I soldiered on.  

walker, walking 26 miles, Hampden, Balloch, Tartan, Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
Ready for Another Kiltwalk
Once I arrived at Balloch I went into Lomond Shores where we were fed stovies (a traditional Scottish meal of mince, vegetables and sliced potatoes) and a can of Irn Bru.  After about twenty minutes, feet all bandaged up I made my way up to the pub where all my friends had gathered for a celebration party.  There were several bands playing and even with my sore feet I managed to dance until last orders was called.  The next day I could hardly stand up straight never mind walk but I had managed to raise quite a lot of money for charity and had already been talked into taking part the following year therefore it was all worth it.

26 miles, tartan, Edinburgh Kiltwalk, Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
Family Effort Kiltwalk - Hope for Autism

Over the course of 5 years I took part in 5 Kilt walks; four of the Glasgow ones and one in Edinburgh.  When I completed my second one a year after the first I knocked 1½ hours off my time.  This was mainly due to the fact I had taken up walking much more regularly and my feet and legs had gotten used to walking longer distances.  

Edinburgh KiltWalk

Portabello beach, Tartan, 26 miles, Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
Mo, Steven & I Edinburgh Kiltwalk 

For the Edinburgh Kiltwalk, I managed to talk my brother into taking part to and in the process raised funds for Hope for Autism which is a charity close to the families heart.

Kiltwalk, Hope for Autism, 26 miles, walking, Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
Group photo - Portabello Beach, Edinburgh
The Kiltwalk is a fantastic charity which was initially set up to raise funds for various childrens' charities but now you can raise funds for any charity of your choice.  The atmosphere is always amazing setting off, during and when finishing with bagpipes playing, supporters cheering you on and entertainment/pit stops throughout the route.  You get a real sense of community spirit.

26 miles, tartan, kilts, kilt walk, Kiltwalk, Tartan, Walking, 26 miles, kilt walk,  kiltwalk edinburgh 2018, kiltwalk logo, kiltwalk what to wear,  kiltwalk 2018,  kiltwalk arnold clark,  kiltwalk balloch,  kiltwalk glasgow balloch,  kiltwalk finish,  kiltwalk history,  kiltwalk hero,  hashtag kiltwalk, kiltwalk glasgow how many miles, the kiltwalk hampden to loch lomond, kiltwalk medal, route of kilt walk,
Shady Characters Edinburgh Kiltwalk
Taking part in the Kiltwalk helped ease the pain of a marriage break up for me, enabled me to find a new past time, make new lifelong friends and find a new lease of life whilst raising much needed funds for charity.  I dare you to try it.

10 Reasons to Walk the West Highland Way

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The West Highland Way Reunion with Some New Additions 

The West Highland Way is a challenging 97 mile walk in Scotland which starts from Milngavie (not far from Glasgow) and finishes in Fort William in the Highlands. 

In May this year I was fortunate to have walked the West Highland Way for the third time and it certainly won’t be the last.

This blog will focus on 10 reasons why you should walk the West Highland Way (although there are probably far more than 10).
Scotland, Wildlife, Lochs, hills, Column1 west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Breath-taking Scenery

1             Get to Know Beautiful Scotland

I know I’m biased because I live in Scotland and love my country very much but it can’t be denied that Scotland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  It is steeped in history and boasts incredible landscapes, mountains and Lochs and if you play your cards right you just might catch some highlanders in their kilts chasing after some haggis.

2             Challenge Yourself

lochs, hills, loch lomond, Column1 west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Stunning Scenery

Walking 97 miles is definitely challenging therefore I recommend you get ample practice walking before you take on this task however; I would say the route is within the capabilities of most walkers.  The West Highland Way offers plenty of variety with flat walking terrain to begin with which gets more rugged as you move northwards with a fair amount of hill walking.

3             Adventure

Scotland, scenery, lochs, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
West Highland Way

When doing the long distance of the West Highland way for the first time it’s a brand-new adventure and each day is different from the day before.  Adventure means stepping out of your comfort zone, challenging yourself and exploring. The scenery changes, the people you meet changes most days, and the environment you sleep in can go from sleeping in a tent, a hostel, bunkhouse, hotel or 
B & B which all adds to the excitement.  
All you have to think about is putting one foot in front of the other and enjoying the journey. 

4             Wildlife

West Highland Way, Scotland, walks, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Stag, West Highland Way, Scotland, Kinlochleven, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles

Each time I’ve walked the West Highland Way I’ve been blessed to experience first hand the stunning wildlife it has to offer.  If you’re very lucky you might just see the gentle red deer who are frequently spotted at the Kinghouse Hotel, the golden eagles that fly around The Devils Staircase or see the salmon leaping up the rapids at Gartness.  There is an array of wonderful dragonflies on the approach to Rannoch Moor plus this year we witnessed thousand of caterpillars hanging from long silk threads at Inversnaid, beds and beds of bluebells and we can’t mention the great Scottish wildlife without giving our beloved midgies a mention (don’t forget your Smidge or Skin So Soft).

5             Scenery

West Highland Way, Lochs, Scotland, Walks, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Loch Lomond

The scenery on the West Highland Way is magnificent with rolling hills such as Conic Hill near Balamaha, stunning waterfalls like Falls of Falloch below, 

Waterfall, West Highland Way, Scotland,west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Falls of Falloch

glorious towering mountains such as Buachaille Etive Mor going through Glencoe,

Scottish Mountains, West Highland Way, Highlands, Glencoe, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
The Glorious Buachaille Etive Mor

 Ben Glas in Inverarnan, The Devils Staircase 

West Highland Way, Highlands, Scottish Mountains, GLencoe, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Top of Devils Staircase

and the biggest of all the munros in Scotland, Ben Nevis.  Not forgetting you’ll walk the length of Loch Lomond which has such a therapeutic feeling and some of the most spectacular views in the world.  The walk also takes in various forests and Rannoch Moor which is a vast stretch of land composed of rivers, lochans and rocky outcrops.

6             Glorified Pub Crawl

Stopping at pubs either for a lunchtime refreshment or an end of the day refreshment is highly recommended.   A celebratory cold Kopparberg is normally just what the doctor ordered (me being the doctor).  It’s often in the pubs where you meet up with people that you’ve chatted with on the walk throughout the day and end up getting to know each other better. 

Some of the pubs I recommend include The Beech Tree Inn which is halfway between Milngavie & Drymen,

WEst Highland Way, Pub, Walks, Scotland, Highlands,  west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Beech Tree Inn

TheWinnock Hotel or The Clachan Inn in Drymen.  In Balmaha you really have to stop at The Oak Tree Inn

West Highland Way, Highlands, Pubs, Walkers,  west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Drovers Inn Entrance

The Drovers Inn in Inverarnan which is rumoured to be haunted should definitely be on your hit list and they often have live entertainment on.  

Scottish Lochs, Loch Lomond, West Highland Way, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
View from Rowardennan Hotel

Loch Lomond, West Highland Way, Lochs, Walkers, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
View from Rowardennan Hostel
The Rowardennan Hotel has stunning views and although not a pub, the Rowardennan Hostel has a communal sitting room with absolutely jaw dropping views.  Previously when I had walked The Way The Kingshouse Hotel was always a great place to stay and have a drink but this year they were in the middle of renovations – hopefully next time I do it they’ll be back up and running.  

Ski Resort, Scotland, West Highland Way, Walkers, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles 
Sunset at Glencoe

Mountains, West Highland Way, Walkers, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Buachille Etive More from Glencoe

However, this year we stayed at Glen Coe SkiResort and they have a fabulous eatery/bar which I can’t recommend enough.  It’s actually a log cabin with a roaring log fire.  Even if you just pop in for a cuppa it’s well worth the views you’ll see as they look directly on to Buchille Etive More. 

My favourite view of the whole of the West Highland Way is at the McDonald Hotel in Kinlochleven (picture below speaks for itself).  Kinlochleven is known as the hidden village of the highlands and is surrounded by lochs, rivers and mountains.  I don’t think I’d ever tire of this view.

West Highland Way, Highlands, Walkers
My Favourite View Ever - McDonald Hotel, Kinlochleven

7             History

Column1 west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 milesColumn1 west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles

Scotland is steeped in history and part of the West Highland Way follows the route of old military roads which were built soon after the Jacobite Rising of 1745.  More information can be found here
Rob Roy’s cave lies just north of Inversnaid on the banks of Loch Lomond. Legend has it that Rob Roy inhabited the cave as a hide-out at various times, during his cattle rustling years.
Column1 west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles

Glencoe provided the backdrop for one of the darkest events in Scottish history. The Massacre of Glencoe occurred in February 1692 when thirty-eight members of the Clan MacDonald, supporters of the 1689 rebellion, were slaughtered by government troops. Hundreds more are thought to have perished from exposure in the aftermath.

Column1 west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 milesColumn1 west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles

There is far more history than what I have listed in this blog to explore and learn about therefore if you're interested the internet has loads of interesting facts.

8             Improve Your Fitness

Walking is a great all-round exercise with very real health benefits. Load bearing for your bones and muscles, aerobic for your heart and lungs, it burns calories, helps boost metabolism, boosts energy levels, promotes positive mental health, it’s free, walking's also a brilliant way to de-stress, can lower your blood pressure and is more environmentally friendly than driving.  You can do it with family and friends and it’s a great way to socialise.

West Highland Way, Walkers, Scotland, Scottisg scenery, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
A Bit of Tree Hugging

9             Meet New People/Make New Friends

By far the thing I love most about the West Highland Way is the people you walk with whether that be the people you set out with or people you meet on route.  You have a common interest and are taking part in the same adventure.  I have met lifelong friends each time I’ve walked the Way, people from all parts of the world and all walks of life. There’s something about walking that really lets you connect with people and your environment. 
West Highland Way, Walkers, Highlands, Lochs, Mountains, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Us all at The Finish West Highland Way 2018

West Highland Way, Walkers, Scotland, Scottish scenery, west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Stopping for a lunchtime refreshment at Inversnaid Hotel

10           Switch Off

Whether you do the walk over 5, 7 or more days you get that time to switch off from your normal world.  You leave the office at the office, your daily routine at home and concentrate on the journey ahead.  As much as you know the task in front might push you out your comfort zone the stunning scenery, the people and the wildlife allow your brain to focus on just that.

West Highland Way, Walkers, Highlands, Scottish scenery,  west highland way west highland way map west highland way reviews west highland way blog west highland way scotland west highland way advice west highland way accommodation west highland way ascent the west highland way the west highland way map west highland way book west highland way backpacking b&b along west highland way kings house b&b west highland way west highland way checklist west highland way drymen to rowardennan west highland way essentials west highland way experiences west highland way finish west highland way forum west highland way facts west highland way google maps west highland way glasgow west highland way hike west highland way hiking map west highland way history west highland way in scotland west highland way kit west highland way kinlochleven west highland way loch lomond west highland way milngavie to drymen start of west highland way end of west highland way length of west highland way history of west highland way start of west highland way milngavie route of west highland way scotland photos of west highland way west highland way pictures west highland way planning west highland way pubs west highland way scotland map west highland way trail west highland way trek scotland west highland way uk west highland way visit scotland west highland way walk west highland way wilderness scotland west highland way rowardennan youth hostel west highland way 7 days west highland way 96 miles
Ruins on Route to Fort William

You won't regret completing the West Highland Way.  You will have an immense sense of achievement, had unforgettable conversations and memories that will last forever.

West Highland Way Maps

Bagging My 20th Munro - Schiehallion

Feeling on Top of the World Munros in Scotland T here are 282 Munro’s in Scotland and I was lucky to have bagged my 20 th in Sept...